Meet the Team

Mechanical Lead - Brian Liang

Hey guys! My name is Brian Liang and I am currently studying Civil Engineering. I’m interested in renewable energy, green technology, and creating a more sustainable world in general. When I’m not focused on my studies, I enjoy building random things like electric skateboards, props from popular media, and 3D printing. I also enjoy working out and beating Rudy in badminton. I am looking forward to future InSPIRE events and projects. Please contact me if you have any questions about the OpenLab.

Embedded Systems Lead - Khuselbayar Bolor-Erdene

Hey, my name is Khuselbayar Bolor-Erdene - everyone calls me KB. I am studying computer engineering and am interested in software and embedded software engineering. Outside of classes I like to try out and learn new things, work out, and play all types of sports. I'm happy to be a part of InSPIRE and contribute to the team!!!

Electrical Lead - Nathanael Salazar

Hello! My name is Nathanael. I'm pursuing a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering with a minor in sustainability. Outside of class, I enjoy various hobbies, such as woodworking and blacksmithing. I've always been fascinated by renewable energy, and I'm thrilled to have InSPIRE as an outlet to work on exciting projects and teach others about sustainable technology.